Terms for 247Pantry Accounts

1. Accepting Terms

This document and similar documents will be referred to as “Terms” henceforth. These Terms are a legally binding contract between you, 247Pantry.com and its affiliates.

These Terms set forth your Rights and Responsibilities when you use 247Pantry.com (referred to as “247Pantry”) through any medium (web, mobile, app, etc.). By using the services provided by 247Pantry, you are agreeing to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you shall not use the services offered by 247Pantry.

2. Your Privacy

Review 247Pantry’s Privacy Policy.

3. Your 247Pantry Account

To create a 247Pantry Account:

  • A. You must be 18 or older to use 247Pantry.com Services.
  • B. Provide verifiable information.

C. Accept all responsibility associated with the activity on your account. If you allow another person, or entity, to use your account, you are certifying that they have the right to do so, are authorized by you the authorized user of the account, and are responsible for all associated and incurred charges.

D. These Terms do not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, employment, or franchisee relationship between yourself and 247Pantry or its affiliates.

4. Your Content

Any content that you add to your account, is solely your content and responsibility. Via the management and/or use of your account, you are confirming that you have all necessary rights to post the content. 247Pantry does not hold any ownership in your content but reserves the right to use it for promotional purposes. You may not display any

inappropriate or illegal content using 247Pantry’s services and 247Pantry reserves the right to remove such content.

5. Use of Our Services

Your right to use 247Pantry’s services relies on the following:

I. You agree to not violate any laws in connection with your use of 247Pantry’s Services including local, state, federal, and international laws that may apply to you.

II. You alone are responsible for obtaining any necessary licensing required for your account use.

III. You must pay your bill on time.

IV. You must not attempt to harm, hack, etc., any 247Pantry systems for any reason.

V. You must adhere to 247Pantry’s policy regarding use of 247Pantry’s name and logos.

6. Termination

247Pantry reserves the right to terminate, or suspend, your account for any reason, without notice. If 247Pantry terminates the offering of its services, to you, it is not responsible for any affect to you.

7. Warranties and Limitation of Liability

247Pantry does not manufacture, inspect, or store any items purchased through its service and does not take any responsibility or provide warranties for the items sold by individual Pantries/Stores. Any legal claims cannot be made against 247Pantry related to any items sold, including reasons related to physical injury or defects. 247Pantry does not screen sellers, or items, for sale, and 247Pantry is released from any liability related to such interactions. 247Pantry does not provide any warranty regarding the quality of the service provided, for example, that services are available at all times; that viruses, or defects in the service will not occur; or promise any specific results. 247Pantry, and its affiliates, are not responsible for any lost revenues.

8. Indemnification (or What Happens If You Get Us Sued)

If 247Pantry gets sued because of 247Pantry’s actions, you agree to defend and indemnify us. You will hold 247Pantry harmless from any legal claim and/or demand any legal fees that arises from your actions, misuse, or your breach of the Terms.

9. Disputes with Other Users

If you are in a dispute with other users of 247Pantry, it is your responsibility to resolve the issue. You release 247Pantry of any damaging results of disputes.

10. Disputes with 247Pantry

247Pantry will work to come to an amicable resolution. Otherwise, you agree that the dispute will be settled using arbitration. If any part of these Terms are found to be unenforceable, that part will be limited and the rest will remain in effect to the fullest extent. Any accidental errors in the terms shall not make them unenforceable.

11. Changes to the Terms

247Pantry may update the Terms at any time. Such changes will be posted to 247Pantry’s website, and/or emailed to you if it is decided that such changes are material. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting. Continuing to use 247Pantry’s services after they are posted will constitute acceptance of such changes.

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